Yoga for beginners

Drapeau français

Marychyasna III
Fanny explaining a posture

All yoga practitioners have participated in a beginners yoga class that they usually remember!

We always dread our first yoga class:

- how do I dress?
- how is the prof. ? what will he think of me?
- what am I going to look like, I who am all stiff, who cannot touch my feet with my legs stretched out?
- I will find myself with people who are used to it and who will find me null
- etc., etc. ...

Go ahead, dare!

Yoga is not a question of outer appearance, yoga is a question of consciousness, of inner feelings.

It doesn't matter what others are doing next to you.

No one is perfect and no one will judge you. You will be accepted as you are.

Each student explores their own limits, whatever they are and all work to their limits, that's what matters.



Useful information

As a total beginner or just new to Iyengar® yoga, you will need to book a basic class and continue it for at least 6 months to a year before entering an intermediate level class .

Read the description of our yoga classes to know their content before booking.

Also know that you will have to be patient. Besides the immediate effects that follow the class , the first effects of a lasting transformation and improvement in health, only come after 2 or 3 months of regular weekly practice.

Our teachers are all caring, experienced people, ready to encourage you and help you get started in yoga without making mistakes in your positioning or hurting you.